Time flies! It's hard to believe that everyday pass so fast.
My first impressive experience in this year was my birthday party! My quilter's friends held the birthday party for me after one bee work meeting! They suddenly started to sing "Happy Birthday" song after the meeting so gently, softly, I was very impressed that. They prepared delicious foods for me, even one of them baked a cake for me! (Actually my husband ate up all of the leftover after I brought it home. He loves sweets. I have eaten up other all of the leftover by myself!) I am so happy many ladies celebrated my birthday :-) and we did girl's talk a lot as usual. (Actually... most of the time, I'm just listening because of my English problem...) I appreciate them very much! The picture shows the birthday gifts from them.
The second impressive experience was what I could find one Japanese lady who I have been looking for a long time.
I met her on the internet, and I have never seen her in person. I met her one internet discussion board, which is talked about quilts. It's written in Japanese. I found the board after soon I moved in the USA when I started to have an interest in quilts. I wanted to make it somehow, but I didn't know how to make it and didn't even have a sewing machine. I couldn't speak English as much as now as well, I didn't even know well around the area where I live.
She made the topic of the board, so she needed take care of other people's writing like a chairman. I asked many begginer's questions on the board, and she always kindly answer them.
But..., she suddenly dissapeared, stopped to write, and then the board itself dissapeared too. I looked for her for a while after that, waiting for her on the new topic board that I made. But nobody answered.
And then, I met one Japanese lady on the other website in the last month. It's about quilts also, of course. We talked some things, and she showed many pictures of her quilts on the internet. When I saw them, I felt sure this person is her!! I recognized the quilts, I remembered them!
I asked her about if she was the person who I have been looking for, and she said "YES". She told me when she stopped to write on the board, she had suffered by the Hurricane Katrina. I didn't know where she lived, so I had no idea the Hurricane hit her area. She said, she moved to the other state, and finally when she could have proper home to live, it was 9 months later after the damage.
I was very impressed that I could see her again, and talk about quilts. This is miracle!
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