I bought this mannequin at ebay the other day. I wanted to have a model for taking pictures with for my sales items.
I was looking for a body form first, but it's too expensive for me. I am anyway not going to use a body form for dressmaking, just needed it for a photo model. I have only one person who I can ask for the model, but he is a big and husky man :-( not cute, or adorable, or beautiful for a model :-(
Eventhough he said, "Oh YES!! I can be your photo model!", how many people can get a good image from the photo of a tote bag with a big and husky man? Oh.
Anyway. I love my mannequin! I even gave it a name. Her name is Tsukiko in Japanese. "Tsuki" in English means "the moon", "ko" means "a child". Japanese female names often have "ko" at the end.
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