My second time for treasury picked up by Etsy admin!
I am lucky!
I was wondering what is going on when I found so many people added my shop to their favorite in a day. I thought one of my item was picked up somewhere, but it took a while to find out.
The first time for treasury, the etsy admin who picked up kindly sent me a message. I could know about it thanks to her, but this time.
I am anyway very happy to see my item in the treasury!! :-D
Thank you!
Ok, I have made a tunic for a child!
It is very different to sew a cloth from to sew a bag or a quilt.
It wasn't difficult, it was different.
I used a Japanese pattern that is for 2T - 5T, I picked up the largest size..., 5T. Japanese outfit size is smaller than the US size. So maybe it would be the same as 4T of American size.
I am thinking to give this to my husband's friend's daughter who is 4 years old, but.... she is a big girl. I asked her father (my husband's friend) what size she wears, and the answer was 6T - 7T... I am not sure if this tunic would fit her.
All I felt after I finished making it was "Maybe I don't like to sew clothes :( " I prefer making quilts!
My mother is a professional of dress maker. She used to make a lot of clothes for me, even suits. She is able to draw patterns too. My clothes were always like a custom order. I should really appreciate her!
How wonderful you are in another treasury! It seems a special honor to be chosen by an Etsy admin.
ReplyDeleteThe tunic is really pretty. I do sympathize about the difficulty of making clothes to fit people, though. Quilts seem easier in a way--one size fits all!
I hope your rabbits are doing well in this awful heat. I'm hoping for a thunderstorm this afternoon.
I wish I can sew! What brand of sewing machine is good? I'm working as a teacher and my days are too packed with activities controlled by other people! =(
ReplyDeleteOh, I wanted to ask you... What is that phrase Japanese use when they're leaving their workplace to go home?
the tunic is beautiful - i know what you mean about kids clothing sizes, and they're so quickly grown out of too (although then you get to cut them up and turn them into quilts!).
ReplyDeletei just found your blog today from searching flickr for quilting ideas. your work is just beautiful. your sense of design and colour is outstanding.
Hi Liz!
ReplyDeleteHow was the thunderstorm? Luckly, it has just missed us! I was wishing it would miss your area too. I am nervous every time when I hear thunderstorm alart, especially this year. I didn't have power failer often like this year until the last year :(
"If something happens twice, you can bet it'll happen again."
I might be able to have the 3rd treasury soon! ha-ha!
To sew 2D (quilts) and to sew 3D (clothes) is very different as you know. I guess....., to make a quilt is a physical work, to make a clothes is a brain work.........
The storm was not too bad--it is funny how we are having just a sprinkle of rain almost every day. Our plants are loving it!
ReplyDeleteVery interesting that sewing quilts is 2D and sewing clothes is 3D. I guess that calls for spatial reasoning? My grandmother used to sew clothes often (like your mother), so I guess she had that skill.
There is another saying--"Things happen in threes." So that also predicts you will be a in third treasury. Want to guess what the color scheme will be? I pick aqua.
My children are all in camp this week, and I hardly know what to do with myself. The house is quiet!
Hi Catherine:
ReplyDeleteI can easily guess how busy your life is!
I hear a lot from my friend that Bernina is a great brand. They are from Switzerland. Switzerland is well known as producing high quality machines.
When I leave my workplace to go home, I would say in Japanese :
Otsukaresama deshita. ( = Good work today. Have a nice evening.)
Osakini shitsurei shimasu. ( = I'm sorry to leave early. / I'm going to leave a little before you.)
Are you learning Japanese? :)
Hi soph :
ReplyDeleteThank you for your compliment!
I am glad if I could inspire you somehow for your next project :)
To browse people's work is just so much fun!! I like your tree quilt! and such a beautiful waves on the blue and yellow-brown quilt! The lines looks just perfect! I may want to try this line someday!
Hi Liz!
ReplyDeleteI am glad to know the storm was not too bad! We don't have sprinkle rain here almost every day. Just sometimes thunder storms which I don't like :(, but we need rain! Yes, it is very nice for the plants!
To sew quilt is always making flat surface (2D), and to sew clothes means I have to make 3D. My mother used to tell me that our body is not flat. I am not good at sewing 3D. I feel it because my brain doesn't work for 3D bags too :( So most of my bags are simple flat totes. I admire people who has a brain that works for 3D things!
"Things happen in threes."-- Your way is much easier! :-D
We have the same meaning proverb in Japanese! I looked up the online proverb dictionary. Aqua! I love the color!! I have to think what I make in aqua color then! :)
Hope you are having gorgeous time with your husband without your children this week! Wishing your children are kept in safe in camping! It would be so much fun to hear their stories about they have learned!
Hi Kyoko!
ReplyDeleteActually, my husband is going to work all week (although he has tomorrow off for the 4th of July holiday). So I have been alone most of the time. I do some freelance editing work, so I worked on that. It was nice to get it done--otherwise I have to do it at night, when I am tired--but also a little lonely. I also met a friend for coffee yesterday. I don't get to see her very often, so I enjoyed that.
My younger daughter just went to camp at her preschool, where they play in a wading pool. My twins went to camp at the Audubon Naturalist Society, which is their first time at "big kid" camp. They go on nature hikes and do crafts and learn about different animals. My daughter likes it, but my son is having trouble adjusting to being away from me. So now I am worried about him. Today is the last day, though.
For the aqua treasury that I am picturing, I thought of one of your gauze baby blankets. I love those, they make me wish I had another baby to give one to.
Will you go to any celebrations tomorrow? My kids are afraid of loud noises, so we will not go to any fireworks. I miss them, though.
Hi Liz!
ReplyDeleteHow was your 4th of July? Did you have some fun at home?
We had a rain after evening, it wasn't good for fireworks! We were supposed to go to a fireworks display with my husband's friend, but his child became sick. We just stayed at home, and was listening to the sound of fireworks. I was wondering if they do fireworks display in spite of rain. It wasn't light rain, but heard a lot of sound.
Did your children come back with a lot of excitements?? I am sure they have learned a lot through the camp. I hope your son enjoyed the camp. He would get used to be with people little by little with some outing experiences, but it would take a while.
"Things happen in threes."
I think the 3rd one was here -- outside of Etsy!
It was kind of aqua :D