
I have received a package from my mother today. She said she will ship it via SAL (between airmail and parcel, usually it takes 2-3 weeks to get here from Japan), but it came via Express mail (2-3 days).

I asked her to send me just for these.

Japanese tenugui.
Tenugui have very unique patterns, it's traditional styled Japanese hand towel. Cotton 100%. It much expensive than buying Japanese fabric, but the patterns are very attractive.

Not many Japanese company ship oversea, so I have to ask my mother to ship them after she received the package from the company. I make orders on the internet, pay by my credit card, and the address to be shipped is my mother's house.

I was expecting to receive a small package from her, but what I have received was a big box!

"Oh, mom! I am trying to reduce my belongings, why you now increase them :("

What did come out from the box?

Small bento boxes (lunch box).
They are really very small, it's around 1.5 inches.
My mom said in the letter that these bento boxes was collected by her neighbor. It came with pet bottled drink juice as a free gift. I don't know what to do with these.


Remnant kimono fabric, silk 100%.
I guess I like these... but silk is so soft and difficult to sew, cannot wash it at home as well... (dry cleaning)

I never understand why she sent these to me!

2 kimonos and 1 kimono jacket(haori)! They are all silk 100% also.
What makes her think I wear kimono here.
I didn't wear kimono even in Japan excludes very special occasions. I don't even know how to wear it by myself.

Can I cut them up for remaking something?? I don't think so :(
They are heavy also. I really don't need them, mom!


  1. The fabric is very pretty.

  2. Hi Emi - The fabrics are very pretty. I'm going to try to make doggie Kimono and I've been buying fabrics off Ebay (vintage). People take apart the Kimono and sell the pieces of fabric, or they sell the whole thing. You might try that. Also, the little boxes might sell, too. I have several pattern books to make Kimono but they are all in Japanese. I, of course, can't figure anything out. Would you be agreeable to help me if I can scan and send pages to you. I don't even know how much fabric it takes, which is very important to know. I'm buying up fabric, but I might not be getting enough to do anything since Kimono fabric is only 14" wide. I'm not used to working with such narrow fabric. Also, in making Obi. How do you get the bow to be so stiff. I bought a Yukata with Obi (pre-tied) and it is almost like cardboard. It it just starched stiffly or is it lined with something? I forgot that you said that you didn't wear them, so you may not have any information for me. Thank you so much. Peggy

  3. What lovely goodies! P.S. your handmade shop is looking amazing- I love so many things- the red irish quilt, the blue pillows with ripple texture. nice stuff!

  4. Hi jackee bloo,
    Japanese fabric is really different from fabrics we see here, isn't it :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi bettyninja!
    It's been a while since I talked with you!
    Thank you for the compliments on my shop :) I have sold a lot on the clearance sale a while ago, I need to make more for sale! Big pressure, but so busy lately!
    Congratulations on opening your new shop! Your photographs are different from others. I love them on your Flickr site too!


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