Fabric labels.

I was looking for how I can make nice looking fabric labels for my items since USA government published a new law - CPSC - last year. Along this new law, all items for children have to be examined by third party except for items made with natural materials. We have to put a label on the item described about it. The label need to show where it was made by who with what materials and even the DATE when it was produced :(

DATE! Many of hand crafters cried because of it as some etsy sellers decided to close the shop. Because date problem, we cannot prepare the label in advance. I used to use piece of letter sized printable fabric, but it doesn't look nice. I tried stamps with permanent ink, hand writing with permanent ink pen as well.

A few days ago, I received a news letter from Sew-Whats-New.com!
'How to make your own fabric labels'

I tried this method yesterday! and here is the result.

And it was sewed on the back of my quilt.

I washed the label several times, ink stays for a while, cannot be forever, but I believe this method works!! The letter on my label could be larger and better to set color deeper and bold fonts.
