I have received a very impressed message from my customer who purchased my Japanese alphabet quilt in the last August.
I am very appreciate her for holding a feeling for the quilt to let me know how she liked it. So I would like to share her message here. Always thankful to have such a nice message!

Hi there!
Don't know if you remember me. But you managed to get a BEAUTIFUL baby quilt to my door a week before I moved to Japan. AMAZING. You were so nice and accommodating.
The whole family loves the quilt. Papa, Mama and baby! It has helped us learn our Hiragana!
When I wrote a review for the product on Etsy, I was rushed and in the process of moving. I wish I written a better review for this quilt. We love it so much! For one thing I thought it was too narrow for a crib but now I realize it is the perfect size for a crib blanket. It fits the crib perfectly and the baby can lay on top.
How silly of me to think it was too narrow! I was new to parenting when I got that quilt.
I have tried to change my review on Etsy or add to it but I can't figure out how. I think Etsy doesn't let people write more than one review.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your lovely quilt. It is a work of art. And thank you for going out of your way to ship to me so fast. I really appreciate it!
Take care, I wish I could write my thanks in Japanese but I am not good enough yet!
Hope her Japanese writing language skill will be improved! :D
Not only writing skills, she would have to learn how to type Japanese keyboard.... ha ha. Have fun!
Thank you very much!!
I am very appreciate her for holding a feeling for the quilt to let me know how she liked it. So I would like to share her message here. Always thankful to have such a nice message!

Hi there!
Don't know if you remember me. But you managed to get a BEAUTIFUL baby quilt to my door a week before I moved to Japan. AMAZING. You were so nice and accommodating.
The whole family loves the quilt. Papa, Mama and baby! It has helped us learn our Hiragana!
When I wrote a review for the product on Etsy, I was rushed and in the process of moving. I wish I written a better review for this quilt. We love it so much! For one thing I thought it was too narrow for a crib but now I realize it is the perfect size for a crib blanket. It fits the crib perfectly and the baby can lay on top.
How silly of me to think it was too narrow! I was new to parenting when I got that quilt.
I have tried to change my review on Etsy or add to it but I can't figure out how. I think Etsy doesn't let people write more than one review.
Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I appreciate your lovely quilt. It is a work of art. And thank you for going out of your way to ship to me so fast. I really appreciate it!
Take care, I wish I could write my thanks in Japanese but I am not good enough yet!
Hope her Japanese writing language skill will be improved! :D
Not only writing skills, she would have to learn how to type Japanese keyboard.... ha ha. Have fun!
Thank you very much!!
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