
Since I had applied Financial Aid for my college education (English class), I was waiting a day to be awarded. And it came a few days ago. All tuition fees I had paid in the past this year will be reimbursed from Grant. NICE.

I enrolled Web design course additionally in the last minute, since it is FREE ;D using Grant. And, since each semester has a limitation how much I can spend, the free money will be gone if I didn't use.

Grant pays for text books, too. I don't have to look for used books at the lowest price anymore :D I have been actually holding one text book borrowed from a college library for my class. So, I can return it after class is over; and, I don't have to pay even a penny for the textbook; but, it is a bit inconvenient because the book is older edition. It is missing some parts compared to the new edition. So, I will buy NEW one! :D Wow.

I went to a college bookstore last night to buy a book for the Web design course. And found out that Grant can pay for anything in the bookstore except for food, clothes and textbooks that are not for courses I took. They carry all kinds of stuff; not only notebooks, pens and stationery, but also DVDs, Laptop computer cases, voice recorders, backpacks, fancy bags, carriers, printer inks, and some computer related items, blah-blah-blah. WOW. Really????

Then, they checked how much I can spend at the college bookstores for summer semester, it was $1,000. WOW. Really?????
But all I needed was the textbook for the Web design course, and I didn't have anything else I wanted to buy. Also, I was almost like heart attacked person, my brain didn't understand why we are allowed to get items which is really not necessary for your class. They said "Software is not available to pay from Grant". WHY? Software is necessary depends on what class you take. I will need Dream Weaver for the next level of Web Design. Doesn't make sense at all.

But anyway, I got some bunch of copy paper, notebooks, pens, and something. I will go back to the bookstore to get some computer items :D
I appreciate very much for the system paying for tuition fees and textbooks, but the government is really wasting money by letting students buy those unrelated items to classes :(
