In the mess...

Since my classes started, I have been anyway doing what I have to do in order in busyness. Sometimes I get upset because of my poverty of organizing skills, but I am getting used to the routines for the classes, and things are settling down. My latest most concern is that I may eventually drop the classes since I have met 3 students who is taking the same class twice.... and, they are much younger than me... who are supposed to be able to do better. All I can do is anyway doing my best, though.

I cleaned my living space today, and found hair irons in a mess in the container. Since I seldom use them, it wasn't my priority at all to organize them. Anyway, I made drawstrings bags for them :D

So, I don't have to be frustrated to fight with the cords every time taking one of them from the container.

Now, thinking to make some tote bags that I have neglected for a long time with those materials.

I picked them up at give away section at the quilting meeting. They are hand-dyed canvas fabric.

I better do when I thought of it, because I never know what happens in future, may get very busy and have enough time to forget the project itself :( Ummm.