Trash to Treasure from give-away tables

Look at what I got from the give away table at one of the quilting meetings :D

These kinds are exactly what I have been looking for! Thank you, someone who put these on the table! (>_<)

And, monkey fabric. I picked them up because I thought they would be perfect to make a donation quilt, but I found at home that there were only 7 pieces... I need 2 more pieces to make a crib quilt in easier way :( I would have to cut the triangles in half and mix with other suitable fabrics.

Batik pieces!! I counted them. There are 155 pieces. I cut cream color batik in the same square size to add to the pieces and started to piece them :)

These are fabrics for cross stitch. I thought they are beautiful natural colors in different textile to make a table runner, or place mats.

I'm so happy that I can sew all day long without pressure of classes!