Finished the second exam of biology today.
So, a little special beer for me :D

Since the first exam resulted "so-so", I wanted to get a better grade from this second one; and, studied harder, I think.
Today's exam was almost perfect IF I read the questions right. I'm really so tired of reading the foreign language, English. I often go to Japanese website to learn the materials, not from the text book. I have had the end of a day many times that I don't want to speak any English because of exhaustion. My brain simply rejects a little extra effort even to say "Reizo-ko" (refrigerator) in English; I don't want to go out from my little room. Sometimes, a little sewing cheers me up and gets me back to normal life. Then, go to bed and forget about the exhaustion. When I get up next morning, a new enjoyable day is always waiting for me. So, I need sewing, or whatever I like to do, in my life. Because it's stressful to not have time for sewing, I started to sew in midnight after studying and chores. It resulted that I am up until 3 - 4 am every day, and get up late, which is not good.
However, I have 2 or 3 lectures left until the Final! I was thinking to take another 6 weeks class after this biology, but I need a break - it will be hard to go back to be a college student again after a break though.
This weekend was very pretty. It wasn't hot, nice breeze, less humidity. So here are some photos from the botanical garden :)
Young people were shining! :) :) :)

See you! :)