Bio of this week wasn't too bad! I am "SO" happy to have relaxed sewing time after the class. I think I will have some pleasant day tomorrow as well!
Here are the continuous pics from the QU Quilt Show for today.















Aaaaaan for the last, latest of my nephews!!

Yesterday was my brother's birthday. I sent him my birthday wish, also asked him to send me his and his family's picture. I wanted to see how he has been earning his age, especially after he started to own a house a year ago; I thought it might be giving him much mental growth because of responsibility to his family. Actually he looked almost the same, not much difference. His children, my nephews, are growing day by day though. He looked the same as a few years ago. I asked him to send me some pics of his wife, my sister-in-law, and my father. Hope he send me them soon :)