While being in between the party and the party, I made three thick pillows for S's cats, Sonny & Chloe. I really appreciate them for providing me great entertainment every day. They are very useful for me.
He did not know what was going on yet.... but, found it quickly.
Seemed he liked the materials. I got it probably at 20 cents for the whole piece from the remnant section of Jo-Ann.
The back and the front of the pillows (inside out). I used fleece fabric also.
He already liked it.
The inner part of the pillow.
Since the polyester filler was not smooth, I made another layer, lining, with polyester batting inside of the inner pillow so that they would feel less bump. The filler came from S which she saved and stored for years from something.
It was quilted broadly.
He really liked the feature pillow. I had a hard time to get rid of him from the pile of the pillows when I needed them to proceed to the next procedure.
The completed part of the pillow. He already loved it....

He did not even try to leave from it when I was making the edges...
Somehow, I finished two of them around 3:30am on the 25th. I put them in a bag to make it look like a gift, and put the bag under the Christmas tree.
Found his sister Chloe also loved it before giving it to her - she is sitting on the third one which had not completed yet.
Well, they both love to follow squirrels as well.
I'm now very happy for being able to give them something they like :)