I have not much done with my toastmaster's club yet,
since I am so busy with school and quilting...
I have to make a speech (4-6 min) at the next meeting,
and it is kind of making me nervous...
We had an auction to raise the club's funds
at the meeting of toastmaster's club the other day,
and I brought a baby quilt to donate.

I initially made this quilt for sale, but I did not like it.
So, I thought I would donate it through QU, my quilting group,
and some quilting ladies said
"why don't you sell it at cheap price?"
so, I did it though, it wasn't sold and ended up donating to the toastmasters club.
Then, one member of the club asked me if I am interested in taking a role of
table decoration for the club's anniversary party.
I have never done such a thing, so I was kind of hesitated,
but R is positive about everything and "you can do it!" person,
so I am going to do it.
Actually, once I decided to do that, I'm having fun.
I'm going to see the place (restaurant) in person, and
already have a few ideas of decoration, and will check some books at library,
thinking that maybe $1 store would be good to buy some materials for that.
One message from the lady made me tear.
"Please know that you're not alone in being shy about speaking,
almost all of us started out that way!
We all appreciate for being willing to help us out with decorations so much!"
R always pushes me back.
I sometimes feel it's too much for me to take,
but always things turn out very nice.
I think he knows about me very well and knows what is good for me.