Working at a quilt shop is dangerous.
I have not or will not go too much excited, but still very excited.
Every working day is just like a quilting meeting.
Talk about quilts, colors, patterns, and fabrics with customers all day - and I cut fabrics for them - and show and tell. They bring their quilt tops to the shop!
The shop owner, Susy, is a very friendly, talented, flexible, and knowledgeable about quilting lady. I think she knows EVERYTHING about quilting. Amazing.
I am very lucky to be able to work for her because I can learn from her a lot.
Anyway, here is my recent purchase from her shop!
They have a taste of Japan :) I am planning to make mugrugs with these.
She carries many kinds of Japanese taste fabrics. I am thinking of picking up some from her collection and make a quilt, but not sure when it will be achieved :(
Today was a busy day! It is good since I like being busy :D