The 6th Quilt Show post!

My Quilt!

My favorite - This lady was inspired by a block wall.

This weekend, I had a very interesting experience with Ham operator guys!
R was in charge of the Field Day which was the largest event, contest, in US for Ham operators. It has been a while since I started to join their meeting, and it was my first time to see their serious faces! They were COOL! I was accepted as a formal photographer :-p and took a lot of photos! It was FUN!
The first day was hot, hot, hot, I do not remember how much liquid I drank, but did not go to the bathrooom at all. They started to set up the equipments on Friday afternoon, and the contest was from Saturday 2pm to Sunday 2pm, 24 hours. Some operators stayed in the field whole night as well as R and I, slept in a tent.
Very unpredictably, we had rain started in early morning, the guys ran all over to protect their equipments.
The food department, that was impressing people by their jobs - lunch, dinner on Sat, cooked breakfast to serve us in the rain, very remarkable job! It was literally a festival!! R got a lot of compliments from them for this success of event :D
I am working on the pictures I took! I think I will post some on my blog - all will be posted on their website which I do not know where yet.
It was really unforgettable experience!!
We are planning to go to the Civil War event in Gettysburg this weekend :D This summer will be very special for me!
Hope you have a wonderful week :)