The 8th post of the Show!
Enjoy :)

Hope you enjoyed this post!
This evening was spent for editing photos that I previously took and which were held on my PC. I went through 3 events this summer, this quilt show, the toastmaster's 40th anniversary party, and the Field Day of Ham operators, plus I have been taking photos of quilts I quilted - the photos of the quilts are posted here with the quilter's permission who made the top.
Anyway, It's a lot. I was feeling guilty about taking so long to post them online. I finally did the one, the toastmaster's anniversary party, tonight, and let them know that. Then, I received an email from a photographer who takes photos of toastmaster's events within the area of District 29 - he was in the party as well.
He says "Would you have any interest to also participate as a photographer for District 29 ? Right now, we have 2 photographers including myself. You can participate as much as you want or as little as you want during District level events. It is a great way to practice on photography just like Toastmasters is practicing in public speaking."
I'm so very excited!!!!!!!!! I would love to join it!!!!!
District 29 looks large and there are hundreds of toastmaster's group.... "District 29 Boundaries"
But, very sadly. I would not have time for this activity. I will have to give up something if I participate in the group. What can I give up? I already gave up playing with my online garden a long time ago. Well, have to think!
I will post the rest of photos of the quilt show soon!
Enjoy :)

Hope you enjoyed this post!
This evening was spent for editing photos that I previously took and which were held on my PC. I went through 3 events this summer, this quilt show, the toastmaster's 40th anniversary party, and the Field Day of Ham operators, plus I have been taking photos of quilts I quilted - the photos of the quilts are posted here with the quilter's permission who made the top.
Anyway, It's a lot. I was feeling guilty about taking so long to post them online. I finally did the one, the toastmaster's anniversary party, tonight, and let them know that. Then, I received an email from a photographer who takes photos of toastmaster's events within the area of District 29 - he was in the party as well.
He says "Would you have any interest to also participate as a photographer for District 29 ? Right now, we have 2 photographers including myself. You can participate as much as you want or as little as you want during District level events. It is a great way to practice on photography just like Toastmasters is practicing in public speaking."
I'm so very excited!!!!!!!!! I would love to join it!!!!!
District 29 looks large and there are hundreds of toastmaster's group.... "District 29 Boundaries"
But, very sadly. I would not have time for this activity. I will have to give up something if I participate in the group. What can I give up? I already gave up playing with my online garden a long time ago. Well, have to think!
I will post the rest of photos of the quilt show soon!