A Public speaking class is over, finally, today!
It was a 6 weeks class; a speech a week! It of course required researches from credible sources, a bibliography, and an outline to be turned in each speech. When a speech proceeded time requirement, the prof. cut the speech and grade on what was presented. You could not reach the conclusion? - too bad.
I really could not wait today imaging how happy I would be after being liberated!
But, I actually miss the class a little. Public speaking is so stressful but I also enjoyed it feeling my improvement little by little through every speech. I learned following a format of speech is very important to make the audience understand your message easier and better. Public speaking is also a form of arts that humans created! It requires all kinds of techniques.
So! I will be back to meetings of Toastmasters as an active member. My next speech will be on July 9, and am thinking to talk about something related to the Independence day because a table topic on that meeting is the Independence day.
I now feel less nervous for this meeting because my speech is not graded (receive advices and critiques from other members instead), it is not cut in the middle even go over time requirement (still need to be aware of it though), no outline and bibliography are required to be turned in!! EASIER! (I hope. I should say "less work.")
My worry will be focused on only Statistics from now on!
OH, and!
My customer who I made 2 Japanese quilts a few years ago contacted me to order another one!
He sent me bunch of tenugui (japanese face towel) and Japanese fabrics for it. He said he wants to use the tenuguis as the backing, but I want to use tenugui for its front.... (my feeling does not matter though)
And, how sweet he is to include a gift for me!
:D :D :D :D :D
This week will be still excited and busy with things, but I hope things will be settled down within 2 weeks.
Have a wonderful week!