Everyday is so exciting, but I do not have time to sew for myself.
One day is gone so quick, but I feel like a week is really long, and while I am thinking a matter happened a month ago, but actually was a week ago. It is a strange feeling.
So, it is hard for me to believe that it has been 2.5 months since the last post. I feel "that long ago?" and "not that long" at the same time.
Classes I am taking this semester are not that bad, but things with Phi Theta Kappa have been keeping me busy. I think I am facing a lot of challenges through PTK - conducting a meeting, discussing things with members, orientation, advertising our events, and volunteering, etc.
It anyway increased opportunities of speaking in front of people. Thanks to that, I often receive a comments from my quilting ladies and friends that "your speaking got much better!" and I realize people understands what I say better than before.
I had a different experience in the last weekend. 4 members from my PTK chapter participated in "Honors in Action Academy" conference, Nov 6 - 9, in Lychburg VA.
PTK has a research project called "Honors in Action" which requires both researches (reading), action (Interviewing, visiting somewhere, surveying, etc), and implement (do something with what we have learned from the researches and action in the campus). There is a contest for this project also.
The conference was for the project, meeting and making connections with PTK members from other Community Colleges in Virginia and West Virginia, exchanging ideas about the project with them, and also listening to some lectures and group seminars after.
It was a really different from my normal days, and wonderful. I had a lot of stimuli, excitement, deep thinking, and FUN! The expenses were paid by my college, there was no loss but only benefits. Nice.
On the first day, we left school at 1pm, and arrived at Lynchburg before 5pm. Fellowship event, for icebreaker, was in the evening, and a little orientation at night. I enjoyed ping pong and dancing.
Next morning, we visited Poplar Forest built by Thomas Jefferson. I wished R to be with me since he loves history - and math - he actually loves any subjects.

The city of Lynchburg.

A restaurant we had lunch after visiting Poplar Forest. I loved the quilts hanging from the duct. Food taste good also.

We had most of the activities at Randolf college.

At the 3rd night, Mystery Dinner Theater. It was fun. We were told to wear a little formal, but actually recommended to have a costume on.

On the last day, I was so tired because of those unfamiliar situations and forced myself to speak all the time. But it was a really great experience, and I would love to have another one in future.
Without challenges, life cannot be better.
I am now happy though, I can be happier :)