I baked a lot of pizzelles this week, for giving away to NOVA faculties as my routine of end of semester and for donation to Japanese support community.
The first group of pizzelles was vanilla flavor since some of the faculties do not favor anise.

I visited main departments looking for the faculties who supported me. I was able to see many of my favorite people and was happy.

I thought I made enough pizzelles, but my very favorite librarian could not get it…

So, I promised her to return with more pizzelles later.
The second group of pizzelles were donated to Japanese community that had a fundraising bazzar today. I mixed with Matcha (green tea) powder in the dough since Japanese like Matcha; we use Matcha in ice cream, pound cake, cheese cake, etc as well.

I asked the people of the community who were selling Japanese food for including my pizzelles.

Their cooked food was YUMMY!

I love frofuki daikon (Japanese white radish).

I helped to make Sakura Mochi for sale :)

Sakura Mochi is Japanese sweet. It is designed from Cherry blossom. Mochi is made from sticky rice and has sweet bean paste inside. The leaf wrapping half of the mochi is a real salt marinated Sakura leaf. We love mochi!
Since today’s event was a fundraising, they provided me a free table to sell my quilts and small items. I was really surprised that 4 quilts (and other small items) were sold today. I donated proceed of sale.

My neighbors for today :)

I am very happy to know many people were really interested in quilts. I found two ladies who actually do quilt, but cannot do quilting, thus they have been holding their quilt tops without quilting for a long time. They promised to contact me later for business and were happy to be able to finally complete their quilts :)
They asked me if I can teach how to make quilt in the group – they offer several cultural classes for members -, and I will gladly do it if I do not have to move out of this city….
Since I bake pizzelles often, R offered me to buy larger maker that can bake 4 at once. Mine bake only 2. I cannot leave kitchen while baking pizzelles because I have to open and close the maker every 45-50 seconds. It usually takes around 3-4 hours standing (I enjoy watching Japanese drama online with my iPad though), and R felt sorry for me.
I am going back to Japan this Wednesday to see my family and friends. One of my best friends has been already busy with making plans for me connecting to other friends; I will experience my first quilt show in Japan :) ; and R signed up an online English writing class for me starting middle of June. I am already having a lot since the Spring semester is gone, and will continue it in this summer :D