We had Winter Field Day last weekend. This is an amateur radio event that occurs twice a year, summer and winter, in the whole United States. Ham operators compete for numbers of connection made between ham operators during Saturday 2pm to Sunday 2pm. It is a 24 hours operation, and some operators really operate the radio without a sleep. According to my husband, it is a practice for an emergency situation so the event occurs in winter and summer when the weather is extreme. I get an impression that is a social event for most ham operators though.

Due to winter is hard to have an outside event, Roanoke Amateur Radio Club had not had Field Day in winter. Summer is much enjoyable, so they do it in summer every year. This year's Winter Field Day started with my husband who wanted to bring young generation in the amateur radio world. It was initially hosted by the Virginia Western Community College Amateur Radio Club, and the event took place at the Community College. The event was successful, much better result than we expected. We had a few students and public visitors. I really admire his leadership skill.
Some people think he is just a chit chat man, but "chit chat" is a big thing for public relations. People start to like him after a while and he can make connections all over where he goes to, which makes his activities easier and smoother. He does not "just" chit chat. While many people just talk about ideas, he tries his best to make the ideas real. This time, not only motivate people to participate in and unite the group, but he also succeeded to bring the Channel 10 TV in for an interview, newspaper, and local radio for advertise the Roanoke Amateur Radio Culb's activities. The youngest member, 15 years old boy, answered the interview, and it was broadcasted on channel 10 for 20 seconds!
Now, the community college heard the club was introduced through the public media, and they think the club can benefit the college. This is wonderful.
I joined the event as a photographer. Just stuck with the event recording their activities in photos. So, I was able to observe "each members' thing". If you are interested, here is the link to the photos. I saw what an organization is about in reality. There are so many people who have different skills. In the club, there are nerds who are not sociable at all or friendly, a few are strange/weird in the club but do wonderful jobs in the public, excellent technicians, one forcefully encourage members, and "chit chat" men like my husband. They have personal likes and dislikes among the members. But when they come to the common interest and goal, their individual ways just work covering each other's disadvantage and become functional as a group! I thought this is a miracle.
I basically like to stay at home and I am quiet most of the times in a social setting. If I did not have my husband in my life, my life would have been boring without new excitements. He brings new perspectives in my life. I appreciate this opportunity that allowed me to feel those, really.