Last year, I went through a lot of what I have.
It was overwhelming. I thought I cannot deal with all of the things I have. Throwing away is not my option. Some fabric went to a donation table for my local quilt guild. Some became (are becoming) charity quilts - on going.
The kimono blocks were in one of my boxes. It was a block exchange project from my quilt group. It was a looong time ago, ... before 2009. There were supposed to be 8 blocks - 8 people made 8 same blocks and exchanged them with other people. I was thinking of making a quilt as 8 is a good number for quilts, but I had only 7.
I remembered what whappened to the block I made. One day, a lady who saw my block online was interested in it. So, I gave it..... I thought I can make it again quickly. But it never happened. A lot happened in my life since 2009, I do not have the pattern anymore. So, I thought these can be placemats.

I do not have an occasion to use these, so listed on etsy. I am glad they found a new home quickly. It's much better to be used by a person who like them than sitting in a box. I am intereted in what other people who participated in this block exchange made with their blocks. Maybe still sitting in a box since I have not heard anything about it.
It was overwhelming. I thought I cannot deal with all of the things I have. Throwing away is not my option. Some fabric went to a donation table for my local quilt guild. Some became (are becoming) charity quilts - on going.
The kimono blocks were in one of my boxes. It was a block exchange project from my quilt group. It was a looong time ago, ... before 2009. There were supposed to be 8 blocks - 8 people made 8 same blocks and exchanged them with other people. I was thinking of making a quilt as 8 is a good number for quilts, but I had only 7.
I remembered what whappened to the block I made. One day, a lady who saw my block online was interested in it. So, I gave it..... I thought I can make it again quickly. But it never happened. A lot happened in my life since 2009, I do not have the pattern anymore. So, I thought these can be placemats.

I do not have an occasion to use these, so listed on etsy. I am glad they found a new home quickly. It's much better to be used by a person who like them than sitting in a box. I am intereted in what other people who participated in this block exchange made with their blocks. Maybe still sitting in a box since I have not heard anything about it.